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How to Teach Your Child to Ride a E-Scooter

How to Teach Your Child to Ride a E-Scooter

Blazing down the street on a scooter might be your child's first taste of big-kid freedom! Like a skateboard with handlebars, a scooter is a great way to get outside and enjoy the neighborhood.

Some toddlers come naturally to riding a scooter, while others find it difficult. We've put together this quick guide to help you teach your toddler how to ride a scooter so you can relax and the kids can have fun!

Before your child starts riding, make sure they are wearing a helmet! You can also add elbow or knee pads for extra protection.

Depending on how your child behaves, they may be very excited to start riding a scooter, or very scared. Whatever their first impression, the best way to introduce riding to your child is to start slowly. Here are some tips:

1. Practice standing first
Balance is key to successful scooter riding. Toddlers’ balance abilities are not yet developed, so practicing getting on and off a scooter is a great first step.

2. Start indoors
It’s recommended to start practicing indoors when the scooter is brand new. Practice on a soft surface like carpet or tile before stepping on concrete.

3. Use positive reinforcement
As a parent, it can be hard to get your child to try new things, especially activities that could injure them. Use positive affirmations to build confidence when your child is riding.

4. Model a lesson
An important way to make learning more enjoyable for your child is to ease their anxiety by setting an example. Scientists say that parents of successful children model perseverance and actively participate in their child’s learning.

Don’t you have a scooter yourself? Well, it’s time to get one! Scooters aren’t just for kids. With a wide selection of different adult scooters to choose from, choose the one that works best for you and lead by example!

Let’s face it, scooters are fun for any age! So grab your kids, your scooter, and your safety gear, and get out there – a whole world of scooters is waiting for you!

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